EAPL: Help Protect Furry Friends

Posted on March 17, 2024
Category: Animals in Need
$0 raised
Goal $450
0 donors
134 Days Left to donate
Help keep our furry friends safe, and help them escape danger
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A few years ago, my husband and I got a dog from Evergreen Animal Protection League. Our amazing Titan was being transported here in a sort of “doggy protection service”. He was escaping a fight ring in Kansas, along with 55 other living doggies, and at least 65 deceased.

This non-profit is run by individuals who put forth their own funds to get these doggies out of the situations they are in, instead of putting them in humane societies or shelters. They also help foster these dogs and find them permanent, safe and loving new homes.

Let’s show them some gratitude and give them a breath to get some much needed food for these doggies, or maybe cover/offset transportation costs.

P.s. This is not a scam. I donate every year to EAPL, can prove from years past and will prove it now 🙂

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