Step 1: Go to the Payment Settings page and if it looks like the below image, then you need to Connect your Stripe account.

Step 2: When you click on the button it will navigate you to Stripe (shown below).
If you already have a Stripe account then you can Sign in, up at the right corner of the page. Once you are signed in, click on the blue Connect my Stripe account button. You are done! It will navigate you back to Touch’s website.

If you don’t yet have a Stripe account you will be prompted to fill in some information to setup your account (shown below).

One of the first questions it will ask you is about your business. Don’t worry you still can signup as an individual. Under Type of business, you will select the Individual, sole proprietor, or single-member LLC option.

If you are a charity you will want to select the Nonprofit organization option.

Other business related information can be skipped, but don’t forget to your Bank Details and Two-step authentication.

Once you have filled out the necessary details, click on the purple Authorize access to this account button at the bottom of the form. This will take you back to Touch’s website.

Step 3: You should now see this on the Payment Settings page where it shows a checkmark and Your Connected! Now you are ready to take donation withdrawals!